AWES Lectures
AWES Lectures
This page allows all previous AWES public lectures given through the AWES Lecture Series to be viewed.
2017 Summer (Perth) Lecture
Title: Amendment 4 AS/NZS1170.2 – Design internal pressures and wind-borne debris
Presenters: Dr Geoff Boughton
Date: 21 November, 2017
2017 Winter (Darwin) Lecture
Title: Are our houses and low rise buildings failing us? (Henderson) & Architectural aerodynamics (Cochran)
Presenters: Dr David Henderson, Dr Leighton Cochran
Date: 21 August, 2017
2015 Summer Lecture
Title: Mitigation of wind-induced response of super-tall buildings and pedestrian level wind by shape modification
Presenter: Prof. Yukio Tamura
Date: 8 December, 2015
The AWES 2015 Summer Lecture can be viewed here.
2015 Spring Lecture
Title: Forty years of design for wind – past, present and future of AS1170.2
Presenter: Dr. John Holmes
Date: 23 September, 2015
The AWES 2015 Spring Lecture can be viewed here.
2014 Winter Lecture
Title: Wind Effects On Tall Buildings: Challenges For An Urbanising World
Presenter: Prof. Chris Letchford
Date: 2 July, 2014