Australasian Wind Engineering Society Workshop Program

8th Australasian Wind Engineering Society Workshop

10 – 11 February, 2000, Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Title Authors

Severe windstorms in Western Australia

Hanstrum, B.

Wind structure and extreme wind speed prediction for four cities

Holmes, J.

Analysis of New Zealand extreme wind and comparison with AS/NZS1170.2

Reid, S.

Comparison of wind over steep escarpment using CFD, wind tunnel and full scale measurements

Glanville, M., Eghlimi, Fletcher, C.

Comparison between thunderstorm dowburst and developed boundary layer flow

Wood, G., Kwok, K., Denoon, R., Moore, A.

New Zealand gust to mean speed ratios and implications for design

Reid, S.

Wind loads on large buildings with steep roofs

Ginger, J., Hutton, C., Reardon, G.

The effects of turbulence on total loads on low rise buildings

Roy, R.

Background and resonant response of a canopy due to wind action

Cheung, J., Melbourne, W.

An experimental investigation of the effects of surface roughness and freestream turbulence on the fluctuating pressures on a circular cylinder

Eaddy, M., Melbourne, W.

Wind loads on hip end roofs

Ginger, J., Kane, R., Henderson, D.

Introducing the CLP Wind/wave Tunnel Facility at HKUST

Hitchcock, P., Kwok, K.

Wind loads on the Macau Tower – application of the effective static load approach

Holmes, J.

Case study – assessment and optimisation of natural ventilation for the University of NSW main service tunnel

Rofail, A., Fernando, S.

Reflections on thirty years of full-scale experiments and what’s next

Hoxey, R.

An exploration of wind noise in buildings

Rofail, A., Tonin, R.

The effect of trees in environmental wind studies

Moloney, D., Paton, C.

Wind-tunnel study of north-west winds over Wellington city, New Zealand

Locke, N., Carpenter, P.

The influence of thunderstorms on the dynamic response of Brisbane Airport tower, and design implications

Denoon, R., Wood, G., Letchford, C., Kwok, K.

Full-scale studies of wind conditions on subway railway platforms

Kwok, K., Lam, T, Lee, Y.

Towards serviceability aceleration criteria from wind-induced turbulent motion

Denoon, R., Letchford, C., Kwok, K.

Full-scale studies of environmental wind conditions around HKUST

Kwok, K., Lo, K., Kwok, J.

Shaping tall buildings to reduce aerodynamic excitation and response

Melbourne, W.

Practical experiences of remediation after cyclone Vance and John

Salter, R.

Cyclone Vance – Exmouth 1999

Boughton, G.

The mechanics of flying debris in severe wind storms

Holmes, J., Mullins, P.

Test criteria for flying debris for cyclone shelter buildings

Mullins, P., Holmes, J.